
Cara Brewer, Class of 2010, Assistant Criminal District Attorney, Lubbock, Texas

“It is difficult to articulate how profoundly my time at the Academy helped to shape the person I am and the decisions I have made. 我所接受的教育是惊人的, and the professors at the Academy gave me unique and intense learning experiences in the fields of political sciences, 历史, 人文学科, 对此我非常感激. 然而, I am even more grateful for the critical thinking and problem‐solving skills the Academy helped me to develop. Professors constantly made me know both what I believed and made me be able to defend why, 我在法学院期间一直依靠这些技能. The Academy gave me the endurance to continue through challenges and the confidence to know I was fully equipped to handle whatever those challenges might be.”


“当我回想起我在霍华德佩恩度过的时光, 我意识到我不能把它和我在学院的工作分开. 我最美好的回忆, 艰难的任务, 最有意义的奋斗来自我在学院的经历, and I know without a doubt that my time at Howard Payne would not have been nearly as fulfilling had I not participated in the honors program. 比回忆和胜利更有价值, 然而, 是我在学院接受的教育吗. 我最近开始读研, and although the years ahead will be difficult I know that I am fully prepared and capable to face any challenge that may arise. 学院的教授们不仅给了我宝贵的教育, 但他们也教会了我如何寻求知识, 为自己学习, 我要尽我最大的努力. The Academy not only taught me the skills I need to thrive in graduate school, 但它也给了我追求梦想的信心.”

Chandler Raine, Class of 2012, Student at University of Texas at Austin School of Law

“在我看来,卓越和学院是同义词. 根本没有办法把这两者分开. 卓越是你将从教职员工那里体验到的, 这也是我对你作为一名学生的期望. 没有比这更好的方法来为任何领域的职业生涯做好准备了, or time in any graduate field of study than studying in an institution like the Academy. 这是因为学院的学生不只是学习读和写, 而是通过发展论点来独立思考, 分析问题, 寻找解决方案. These tools are invaluable and have prepared me for my time after graduation. It was the work of the Academy faculty that inspired me to continue learning, 不管是不是在教室里. 对我来说, that inspiration has led to a scholarship to study at the University of Texas School of Law, 我在哪里完成我的J.D. in 2015. Without my time at the Academy, my current studies would not have been possible. Although the motto of my current school is “What Starts Here Changes The World,对我来说, 事情开始于学院的大厅, 在我教授的办公室里, 以及与HPU模拟法庭队的比赛. Any success that I have from this moment on is undoubtedly because of my time at the Academy, 我将永远为能从这样一个了不起的项目中毕业而自豪.”

Denise Venable Kinsfather, 2001级,spendera ISD英语教师

霍华德·佩恩大学和盖伊·D. Newman Honors Academy is an environment where students of all 年龄s are equipped mentally and spiritually to make a difference in today’s world. 借着服事效法基督的领导, the professors demonstrate true compassion and dedication to their students and their subjects. You will not find a place where the professors invest so much love and energy into the education and success of students. To say nothing of the academic challenges, the Academy’s pursuit, in particular, of Dr. Newman’s dream to produce strong Christians who model democratic ideals in American society, 影响了我的生活方式和教育学生的方式. 作为一个进入大学的年轻学生, 我渴望有所作为,但不确定如何去做. My education taught me that character is built from the choices we make daily. I can make a difference when I honor God with; the quality of my work, 用我的同情心和我在课堂上执行的纪律, by providing an example of personal responsibility and requiring my students to do the same, by promoting a discussion of the learning process and its importance to maintaining a strong democracy, 通过爱和鼓励我身边的人. Howard Payne is a place where these principles are practiced on a daily basis.”

Sonia Hoffman Blumstein, Class of 1999, Public Relations Account Supervisor at Intermark Group

“从各个方面来说,奥斯卡都是我追求梦想工作的入场券. The intense academic training positioned me for a successful career in political communications, and I continue to lean upon that which I learned in my current interactions with high‐level business and political leaders from across the country. The Academy provided all the right connections for me to succeed in the world’s marketplace, and set me apart from other graduates in my field by building a foundation of intellectual prowess and leadership strength, all based on the Judeo‐Christian values that have kept me faithful along the journey.”


“我一生的梦想是成为一名出庭辩护律师, 但没有我在学院得到的支持和教育, 本来就是这样的, 一个梦想. 我已经能够实现我的目标, 现在,我很高兴看到其他学生也得到了同样的机会.”


“I count my Academy experience as one of the most important events of my lifetime, 我将永远深深珍惜. 在一个非常真实的意义上, 我的学院教育, and the interaction I had with my teachers and fellow students laid the foundation for every important life event that followed for me. 我在学院的经历教会了我领导力的重要性, 团队合作, 公民身份, 以及不断学习的热爱和必要性. After I had been in Baylor Law School for a while after graduating from the Academy I vividly recall concluding that my college education was second to none. 期.”

Ed Daniel, Class of 1966, Vice President ‐ Investments Financial Advisor, Wells Fargo Advisors

“The Academy accomplished two huge things for me, which have served me well, since I graduated. 它教会了我如何沟通,教会了我如何独立思考. 如果你要把大学教育归结为它的本质, I believe those two abilities differentiate Academy graduates from most other folks.”


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